The Crossbow Festival
“Palio della Balestra” (last Sunday in May)
Last update: 9 October 2024, 10:48
This a traditional contest using the ancient crossbow resting on a support. The Gubbio and Sansepolcro arbalesters, dressed in typical period costumes, meet every year in the striking setting of Piazza Grande. The object is to hit a target placed at a distance of 36 metres. The arbalester who manages to hit the target in the middle receives as a prize a valuable banner (the “Palio”). During the event one can enjoy the extremely skilful and spectacular performance of the local “Sbandieratori” (ceremonial flag-wavers). At the end of the contest proper a historical pageant involving all the competitors proceeds through the streets of the town. The “Palio” of the Crossbow is repeated on the first Sunday of September in Sansepolcro.
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