
Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 ottobre 2024, 10:10

Different styles of architecture can be found in the town’s churches, from the original simplicity of the Romanic, to the austere Gothic architecture of the cathedral, the refined Baroque architecture of the 18th century and the gothic temple dedicated to St Francis of Assisi who arrived here in the cold winter of 1207, reaching his friends’ house barefoot and wounded but smiling and singing .

In a land that is linked to Benedictine spirituality we can find thousand year old abbeys and hermitages: Fonte Avellana, St Maria di Sitria, St Emiliano in Congiuntoli, St Girolamo on Mount Cucco and St Bartolomeo of Camporeggiano, St Ambrogio…

foto: Gavirati – Photo Studio – Alberto Gori – CENS – Comune Gubbio

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